Vet Mind Works Podcast

31. Purpose, role models and making a difference

Petra Agthe, Alison Collings, Monica Merlo Episode 31

In this episode, Clive Elwood hosts Amanda Boag. They discuss the similarities and the differences between leadership from the emergency room floor to the executive suite, and the importance of a unifying purpose. Amanda shares the important role models and how self-care and the support of others have been essential for her career.

Amanda graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1998 and subsequently completed further clinical training at the Royal Veterinary College and the University of Pennsylvania, achieving board certification in both Internal Medicine and Emergency and Critical Care. 

She remained at the RVC, working as a Lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care until 2008 when she joined Vets Now as Clinical Director, where she was responsible for clinical innovation, quality and veterinary professional development across 60 UK sites. She was subsequently appointed Chief Medical Officer at IVC Evidensia, where she led the learning and development and clinical leadership teams across the global business. In 2023 Amanda was appointed Vice Principal for Clinical Services at The Royal Veterinary College.

Amanda was an elected member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Council from 2012 to 2020 and served as its President from 2018 to 2019. She was also Founding President of the European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care and is a Treasurer of the European Board of Veterinary Specialists. She is currently chair of Trustees for RCVS Knowledge.

This podcast is in partnership with the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). More about VIN here.

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Music- Deep Ambience by Coma-Media, Pixabay; Images for Artwork- OpenClipart-Vectors, Pixabay

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