Alison Collings
Alison is a small animal internal medic, bioinformatician, web editor and mindfulness practitioner.
She graduated in 2001 from Cambridge, UK. After spending several years in practice in the UK, she completed a residency at the University of Cambridge and gained the European Diploma in Veterinary Internal Medicine- Companion Animals in 2017. She has been working as a referral clinician and teleconsultant. Alison also works for the ECVIM-CA.
Alison has practiced mindfulness since 2015. Alison has been a pastoral mentor for the BSAVA and is keen to develop this further. She has developed a keen interest in helping vets with their clinical cases in a first opinion setting, having worked in teleconsulting for 7 ½ years. She has brought her knowledge gained from her own training in mindfulness and mentoring to this role as she believes that bringing aspects of these skills together is the key to living a sustainable and fulfilling life as a vet.