Vet Mind Works Podcast

17. About Courage - with Scott Kilpatrick

Petra Agthe / Scott Kilpatrick Episode 17
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00:00:00 | 01:04:54

Courage is something often associated with great bravery and heroism, but what if it was actually about something more subtle and quiet? What if it was a life skill for every day? In this episode, host Petra had the great pleasure to talk to veterinary specialist, CPD provider and fellow podcaster Scott Kilpatrick, who brings a lot of wisdom and lived experience to the topic of courage. Scott explains how courage features for him every day, even though it may not necessarily feel courageous in the process - and what courage has to do with dancing giraffes!

Full contents of this episode include:
00:00:57 Introduction to episode
00:02:26 Introduction to Scott Kilpatrick
00:03:57 About our partners VIN Europe
00:04:43 Welcoming Scott and introducing the topic of courage
00:06:32 What courage means to Scott
00:13:20 About courage, forgiveness and letting go
00:20:10 About courage, fear and coping skills
00:25:40 Courage and making decisions with the heart or the head
00:28:02 About facing regrets and mistakes
00:34:32 How to cultivate courage
00:46:12 Difficulties and pitfalls with courage
00:56:41 Scott's top tips on finding helpful resources
00:59:01 Where to find out more about Scott and his work
01:02:37 Goodbye

Where to find more information about Scott and his work:
Veterinary Thought Exchange VTX website:
Find VTX on LikedIn, Facebook and Instagram
Find Scott on LinkedIn

You may also be interested in:
Ten Percent Happier Podcast episodes about courage:
Vulnerability: The key to courage with Brené Brown
How to be courageous with Stacy McClendon

This podcast is in partnership with the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). More about VIN here.

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Music- Deep Ambience by Coma-Media, Pixabay; Images for Artwork- OpenClipart-Vectors, Pixabay

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